Stop the spread of misinformation

Conspiracy theories that ignore science can be dangerous because they distract us from pursuing the truth, and can cause people to behave in ways that are damaging to society. This page is a resource for you to use to educate yourself on the roots of common conspiracy theories, and to make sure that what you're seeing is based in fact, and not defying science. Prominent, damaging conspiracy theories will be discussed here, with the science explaining why they aren't trustworthy being set forth.

There is a theory that vaccines are unsafe because the cause autism, because they contain elements like mercury, or because they can cause allergic reations. Vaccines, it has been proven, do not cause autism and are in no way linked to the condition. While they do contain traces of metals like mercury, these substances are present in concentrations lower than those in our own bodies. Lastly, the allergic reactions associated with vaccines, while possible, are incredibly rare, and hospitals that provide vaccines are equipped to deal with them responsibly. It is important to stop misinformation regarding vaccines because they are necessary to keep one's self healthy, while also preventing the spread of diseases to other people.